Thoughtful Thursday

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Find your spot on the Risk Line

Find your spot on the Risk Line

How you feel about risk? We all have our unique comfort levels on the risk spectrum – from cautious to adventurous. Your place on this continuum affects your decisions. When I think about risk, I think of it as a continuum that I call a Risk Line. How risk averse or...

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Are you paying attention?

Are you paying attention?

Think about communication? I've got a quick story to share that got me thinking about communication and decision-making. I went outside to film Thoughtful Thursday. In less than a minute, the sound of rain cascading through the trees caught me by surprise, almost like...

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What would NASA do?

Ask yourself I've been working on this series on the stories we tell ourselves about what things mean in our lives. When we’re stuck in inaction or can’t seem to motivate ourselves it’s simply a symptom pointing to a need for decision inquiry, not something...

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There’s nothing wrong with you

There’s nothing wrong with you

“You've got this!” So often when I’m coaching or teaching, I see symptoms that point to a decision making opportunity – confusion, inaction, frustration, analysis paralysis, and the fear of doing it wrong. Many times I hear Why can’t I take action? I’m not motivated...

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Do you feel behind?

Do you feel behind?

I’m back from my vacation. I feel like I’ve gone fishing and I’m still not ready to be home. You may not be aware, but I’m writing a book about decision making and as I slip back into life I feel like I’m just behind. So often when coaching clients or talking with...

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Do you lift with your strengths?

Do you lift with your strengths?

Connect to your strengths Last week, we talked about how values interplay with your vision for your life. Imagine you are a ship in a great ocean. If your values represent your unique ship moving powerfully through the world, then your vision is simply the rudder...

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Do you have a vision for your life?

Do you have a vision for your life?

Why we're committed to our decision I’m on vacation but before I left I went through old Thoughtful Thursdays for topics that keep coming up in the Decision Laboratory class and my coaching. Here’s an oldie but goodie on the link between vision and values. Enjoy!Let’s...

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