Thoughtful Thursday

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Beyond Choices A or B

Beyond Choices A or B

Discover the power of Backcasting I just wrapped up an awesome class on Backcasting: Creating Trails from the Future and it was such a great group to work with!  As students began sharing about the decisions they needed to make or take action on, I immediately started...

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Deciding Under the Influence?

Deciding Under the Influence?

Unclear future planning affect decision-making This week, during our "Eating Frogs" challenge, we've uncovered two common hurdles that affect decision-making: cognitive biases and unclear future planning. Let's explore how to address these effectively: Are You...

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🐸Are your To-Dos just notions?

🐸Are your To-Dos just notions?

Strategies to Tackle Daunting Tasks Let's dive into a topic that affects us all: tackling those daunting tasks we often put off. Yes, those are the "frogs" we need to eat to leap forward in our daily lives. A Fresh Perspective on Eating Frogs: Yesterday, someone...

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🐸Good News in Tough Times

Good News in Tough Times After a two week break from Thoughtful Thursday, I'm back and brimming with some positive updates and an exciting new challenge for us all. Finding the Silver Lining: Lately, the world seems full of daunting news—talks of AI impacting jobs,...

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Clarify your true desires and values

Clarify your true desires and values

"Yes" on one side and "No" on the other I recently attended the Society of Decision Professionals annual conference and brought back a fascinating tool that could transform your decision-making process—a simple poker chip that reads "Yes" on one side and "No" on the...

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Viral Hits: Transform Your Decisions

Viral Hits: Transform Your Decisions

Transform Your Decisions Do you ever love a YouTube channel but don’t know which videos give you the best bang for your buck? This week I’m supporting you with the Top 3 YouTube videos on my channel – the ones that went viral and/or had the most comments and likes....

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I respect your privacy. I will NEVER sell, rent or share you email address. Signing up here adds you to our Thoughtful Thursday list. Clarity4Action.org has dedicated Thoughtful Thursdays to timely tips and practical resources. You may unsubscribe at anytime.