Decision Wins!
Weekly Decision Coaching by Decision Coach Amy Day
Do you lift with your strengths?
Connect to your strengths Last week, we talked about how values interplay with your vision for your life. Imagine you are a ship in a great ocean. If your values represent your unique ship moving powerfully through the world, then your vision is simply the rudder...
Do you have a vision for your life?
Why we're committed to our decision I’m on vacation but before I left I went through old Thoughtful Thursdays for topics that keep coming up in the Decision Laboratory class and my coaching. Here’s an oldie but goodie on the link between vision and values. Enjoy!Let’s...
Four Questions for a Great Decision
4 Questions for a great decision. It seems like we’re all pressed for time in life. So why take the time to learn HOW to make better decisions? It’s to get more of what YOU WANT from life’s choices. Although there’s a huge body of scientific work and research behind...
Marketers are hacking your brain!
It's on sale... it's a deal! Last night during our Decision Laboratory class, we played our What’s the Bias game. We discussed how our brains process all that information we receive every second of every day. Our brain categorizes information inputs using a...
Want successful habits?
The Power of Habit At this week’s Decision Laboratory class, we had a great discussion about habits and what’s required for them to work. We can think it’s our lack of commitment or willpower that makes our new habits unsuccessful. In fact, invisible systems are...
Back by popular demand
Unlock Your Confidence! I'm coming to you from the University of Washington, where I am attending music camp with my mom and cousins. We’re enjoying really important family time and connecting to our creative expression through music. Once again I’m reminded of the...
What’s my first step when making a good decision?
Are you ever stuck? While coaching Mike on a group call about next steps to a career change, we had an incredible conversation about next steps “My next step is to send my resume to people.” Mike said “The very next step?” I asked “Wait, I need to send it to Jessica....
Where did the time go?
Unlock Your Confidence Your most valuable asset is time. Wherever you are … launching your life, parenting in the trenches, thinking about a career change, in retirement, or somewhere in between, what we all have in common is time and the amount that we have in a day....
I’ve decided to [fill in the blank], by [date]
Give yourself a deadline. Are you declaring a decision or committing to a decision you have made? Both are distinct states for the decision maker. If you missed it, last week I talked about declaring a decision. That's when you say, “I have a decision to make!” You...
Do you have a decision to make?
I have a decision to make! Do you ever find yourself realizing you need to make a decision and almost immediately beating yourself up because you ‘need’ to take action? The last couple of weeks I've been talking about Decisives and Possibilitarians, two different...
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Quick & Easy Weekly Lessons with Decision Advisor Amy Day
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