Do you remember your life when Covid started?
How was it possible that everyone was obsessed with toilet paper? Shelves were emptied, people were frantic, and stores put limits on purchase quantities.
Of course, panic was at play, but why toilet paper? Underneath the dramatic scarcity messaging from 24/7 news stories and social media bombardment, our human brains connected to the drama and vivid imagery of empty store shelves, especially in the personal hygiene section. Our brains were actually being tricked into incorrect catastrophic thinking because of the Salience effect, one of many cognitive biases, so we ran out and stocked up on toilet paper!
Make invisible biases more visible by exposing cognitive biases. You can see where they might be at play both internally in your thinking and externally from marketers and in group interactions.
Let’s play What’s the Bias LIVE – a free 90-minute interactive and cooperative online group game to reveal biases!
I don’t want you to miss out on two “What’s the Bias” Games that are coming up
- For Adults – Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 5:30pm – 7:00pm (pacific time) over Zoom
- For Families with kids ages 10+ to adult – Saturday, January 14, 2023 from 10:00am – 11:15am (pacific time) over Zoom. A shorter 75-minute game is offered for families.
Sign up now to reserve your spot!
In gratitude,

Decision Coach
P.S. Extend our invitation to your friends and family.
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