Beyond Choices A or B

Beyond Choices A or B

Discover the power of Backcasting I just wrapped up an awesome class on Backcasting: Creating Trails from the Future and it was such a great group to work with!  As students began sharing about the decisions they needed to make or take action on, I immediately started...
Deciding Under the Influence?

Deciding Under the Influence?

Unclear future planning affect decision-making This week, during our “Eating Frogs” challenge, we’ve uncovered two common hurdles that affect decision-making: cognitive biases and unclear future planning. Let’s explore how to address these...
🐸Are your To-Dos just notions?

🐸Are your To-Dos just notions?

Strategies to Tackle Daunting Tasks Let’s dive into a topic that affects us all: tackling those daunting tasks we often put off. Yes, those are the “frogs” we need to eat to leap forward in our daily lives. A Fresh Perspective on Eating Frogs:...

🐸Good News in Tough Times

Good News in Tough Times After a two week break from Thoughtful Thursday, I’m back and brimming with some positive updates and an exciting new challenge for us all. Finding the Silver Lining: Lately, the world seems full of daunting news—talks of AI impacting...
A Note in the Margin Changed Everything

A Note in the Margin Changed Everything

For this week’s Thoughtful Thursday, I want to share an oldie but goodie from 2022! It’s a story told by Jim Matheson, my dad and pioneer in Decision Analysis, that highlights a fundamental truth about decision-making. Here’s what Jim said… One of the most...
Clarify your true desires and values

Clarify your true desires and values

“Yes” on one side and “No” on the other I recently attended the Society of Decision Professionals annual conference and brought back a fascinating tool that could transform your decision-making process—a simple poker chip that reads...