Hey, I’ve got this!
I just got home from a holiday party and I have wanted to make you this video… for two days. But there’s been so much chaos! And that makes this the perfect moment to train you because it’s about stress, feeling stuck, busy, or overwhelmed.
I know it’s Tuesday, and not Thursday, but I feel urgency in supporting you in having an effective and peaceful couple of weeks.
You might be feeling chaos, or whatever you are experiencing, that doesn’t feel like the holidays to you – or maybe does – but it isn’t the holiday you would like to create. When I experience this swirl of emotional symptoms, it’s a cue to me that I have some decision opportunities to dig into! When I shift into decision making mode and start to take action, I move from feeling like a victim of my circumstances into, “Hey, I’ve got this!”
I created this step-by-step 7-minute video to support you in getting unstuck and opening up what you want to experience this holiday season.
In the video I give you examples to help clarify each step to calm.
I encourage you to ask yourself
- What’s going on? Take an inventory of your circumstances.
- What are my values? What do I care about in this situation? Connecting to your values creates momentum to help carry your decision through to action.
- Where am I actually getting stuck? Be specific.
- What’s the cost of me not doing it? How much of my energy is being spent on thinking about this problem?
- What am I committed to doing? What’s my very next action step? And when will it be done?
Give yourself a deadline, and then get it done. This process can move you from confusion, to decision, to action. It’s pretty amazing. Once you take action, it’s incredible the momentum you create for the next action.
I really hope this supports you! Please reach out amy@clarity4action.org if you have questions or comments.
Wishing you a warm holiday season,

Decision Coach