You are invited to join us for our first event of 2025 🌟 THE VALUES GAME🌟  Jan 27th @ 5 PM PST
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Rainbow Over the Valley

Are you ever stuck?

While coaching Mike on a group call about next steps to a career change, we had an incredible conversation about next steps

“My next step is to send my resume to people.” Mike said

“The very next step?” I asked

“Wait, I need to send it to Jessica. No, I need to update it a bit and then send it. But wait… my computer is dead.” Mike rattled off.

“So your very next step is to plug in your computer to charge? Why don’t you run to do that right now so you can work on it after the call.” I reflected.

It took less than two minutes and something he’d been stuck on for days became easy. Whether you’re figuring out what to decide or your next action step, connecting to what you need to do can be simple and unlock real progress.

Unlock Your Confidence!

Would you like a moment like Mike’s with a simple ah-ha that creates forward momentum for you? If you do, come to our FREE masterclass called Unlock Your Confidence: Take on Your Next Decision with Clarity, Ease, and Success by Connecting to Your Values

In 90-minutes you will learn to identify where you’re stuck and how to leverage your own values to get into committed action.

You and Your Friends are Invited to Unlock Your Confidence!

Date: Saturday, June 17th

Time: 9:00am – 10:30am (pacific time)

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free

    I’m excited to see you there!

    Warm regards,

    Amy Day

      Decision Coach