Do you realize the number of decisions you make around the holidays?
It’s not just deciding what presents to buy or parties to attend. Even as you RSVP to the latest event, a bigger decision lurks in the background around what is important to you this holiday season. And even as you plan, unexpected events, whether positive or negative, can feel like they pull you away from your vision for the holidays.
Remember, you are the decision maker. This holiday season ask yourself
- What kind of holiday experience do I want to create for my family and me? Capture your thoughts and feelings.
- Why is it important to me?
- What has worked in the past to support me in creating the holiday experience I’m wanting?
When you take time to connect with what you want to experience, it becomes easier to decide ‘what’s in’ and ‘what’s not’ this holiday season. And by creating a self-supportive plan you can more effortlessly stick to your choices along the way.
Tonight at the Decision Club, we will be talking about the decisions we face during the holidays and how to take charge of the experience we want to create. I hope to see you there!
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Warm regards,
Decision Coach