Feel stuck or overwhelmed?
Last week at our monthly Decision Club meet-up I held a workshop on How to Eat a Frog. Frogs are those icky things we don’t really feel like doing. It’s part of the human experience to feel stuck or overwhelmed at times. When we get stuck, two things could be happening.
- You may not have clarity about your decision. Clarity is found through the integration of your values, strengths, and vision in the decision process to get more of what YOU want in your choices. When you take time to evaluate your decision you create the right future for yourself.
- You may not be clear about the NEXT step in taking action. You may have set a big goal, which is great, but you can forget to break it down into the little steps required to get there. When you begin taking action on the little things, you’re reinforcing a pattern of success for yourself each step of the way.
I encourage you to reflect on those places you’re stuck and ask yourself,
- Do I need to spend more time on my decision and get really clear about who I am and what I care about so I can make a really powerful decision?
- I have made a great decision, I know I want to take action, and I can’t seem to do it. Try breaking it down into small steps.
In the end, CLARITY leads to confident ACTION.
And if you’re stuck, hit reply and tell me where you’re stuck! I’m here to help.
Warm regards,

Your Decision Coach