Are You Solving the Right Problem? Understanding Decision Frames
To make a decision, defining what you’re actually solving is called a decision FRAME. Sometimes, however, when we frame up a decision, we take the frame that is given to us… It’s called a THROWN FRAME.
Here’s the kicker: People often toss frames our way without even realizing it. “Are you going to college or getting a job?” Sure, but there’s a whole spectrum between those two, right? Thrown frames can look like innocent inquiries, like, “Are you house hunting in our town?” or self-imposed expectations, such as, “Maybe I should go back to school for XYZ certification.”
So, instead of blindly accepting the frames thrown our way, let’s ask ourselves, “What problem am I really solving here?” What if we replaced “should” with “want” and explored what truly matters to us? The antidote to a thrown frame is recognizing our values, caring about what truly matters, and framing our decisions accordingly.
Amy Day
Decision Coach & Co-Founder of Clarity4Action